Meetings and Events

Board meetings are regularly held monthly – on the 2nd Thursday of the month. All members are welcome to attend. Please check the Calendar or Contact Us for specifics.

General Programs and Special events are held periodically through the year. They are advertised in our Newsletter, The Yellow Wasp, and on our Home page. Contact Us regarding details and questions.

Check our Notices and Events page to see what event may be coming up next. To view past events, check out our Archived Events page.

If you subscribe to the site you will automatically receive an e-mail notice whenever we update or add a new event. Please remember all our events our sponsored and facilitated by our members who are volunteers. Events happen only through the efforts of these volunteers which we appreciate very much. If you would like to volunteer to help with an event or even become a docent in our museum please feel free to contact us.


Community Projects

The Society also has organized community betterment projects such as the restoration of several of the town’s historic cemeteries, the 1984 commissioning of architectural renderings of Lima’s historic downtown building façades, thereby providing models for many of the recent façade renovation projects on Main Street, and very recently the reorganization of the Lima Town Historian’s files, prior to the Town’s appointment of a new Historian.


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