Looking For Your Roots ??

Looking For Your Roots ??

Learn Creative Ways to Explore Your Family Tree

By Professional Genealogist Dennis Hogan


Co-Sponsored by the Lima Historical Society
and the Lima Public Library

Tuesday, November 12th
7 PM: Lima Town Hall


Dennis Hogan, Gorham, New York Historian, has been doing family research for more than 40 years.
He specializes in New York State and Ireland. He will discuss some very useful and creative ways
of going about researching your own family genealogy.

He will be speaking on November 12th at the Lima Town Hall at 7 PM
— second floor accessible by elevator from the side door of the Town Hall–
7329 East Main St. Lima NY 14485.

Everyone welcome. Please join us.

Maggie’s Brood

“Maggie’s Brood”


Readings from New Book by Author Elizabeth Osta
Along with Irish Singing by Kitty Forbush 


This is an engaging personal history of Lima’s Donegan family and their Irish immigrant mother/grandmother, Maggie Buckley Donegan who arrived here in 1888 and raised her large family on Rochester Street here in Lima. It is told with humor, respect, and love by her granddaughter, Elizabeth Osta, author of multiple books, including Jeremiah’s Hunger about the Irish famine (Borealis Press 2011).  Come and enjoy this heartfelt and entertaining program.

Free and open to the public.


Tuesday, October 15th
7 PM
Lima Town Hall
2nd Floor Ballroom
(accessible via elevator at the back door)


LHS Annual Picnic

LHS Annual Picnic
for all LHS members and their friends

Sunday September 22nd
2-5 PM
Mark Tubbs Park

Hots, Hamburgers, Beverages and Fun provided

A dish to pass would be welcome but not required

Watch your mail for Postcard with details

RSVP either 585-329-7675 or 585-624-7542